Agora Metals Sarl
Agora Metals SARL is an Exploration Services and Logistics company, registered in Democratic Republic of Congo and is very much active in providing Exploration Services, Exploration Logistics and Management of Exploration Projects in the famous Copper Belt of Democratic Republic of Congo since 2010. Because of the consistencies in work quality, Agora Metals is part of Exploration activities with many Mining Majors since it’s inception.

Geological Exploration Services, Manpower
Supply (both skilled and unskilled),
Logistical Support and Industrial
procurements and supplies

General Expertise
Exploration planning, budgeting and execution (both green and brown field)
Statutory compliance support required as per DRC
Mining Code
Exploration services technical support :-
a. Mapping, i.e. Both regional scale & local
b. Soil sampling, trench & pit sampling as per standard
c. Sample preparation as per standard QAQC
d. Ground geophysical surveys , i.e ground preparation and execution of the survey.
e. Data compilation and drill plan
f. Execution of both RC & DD drilling
g. Core logging , geotechnical work , core and chip sampling
e. Drill sample preparation
f. All desktop geological work and resource estimation
up-to inferred and indicated resource level

Exploration Projects

Exploration planning, budgeting and execution
(both green and brown field)
Statutory compliance support required as per DRC
Mining Code
Exploration services technical support :-
a. Mapping, i.e. Both regional scale & local
b. Soil sampling, trench & pit sampling as per standard
c. Sample preparation as per standard QAQC
d. Ground Geophysical Surveys, i.e. ground preparation &
execution of the survey
e. Data compilation and drill plan
f. Execution of both RC & DD drilling
g. Core logging, geotechnical work, core and chip sampling
e. Drill sample preparation
f. All desktop geological work and resource estimation upto inferred and indicated resource level

Exploration Services Logistical Support

Provide Senior, Junior and Desktop Geologists for Exploration Projects

Provide Senior and Junior Technicians to support in Mapping, Geochem, Geophysics, Drilling and Sample Preparation

Provide personnel for Camp Management, i.e. Camp Manager, Cook, First Aid Asst., Safety

Supports in Mobilization & Demobilization of Camping items
Camp Set up (including civil, electrical and plumbing work) & management (including catering)
Renting of camping items like living tents, office dining tents
Manages Exploration Camp Catering
Renting of truck mounted cranes
Renting of Cranes
Food, water & fuel Supplies to field camps
Supplies camp and exploration consumables

•Renting of fuel and water bousers
•Renting of Field Vehicles with fully trained drivers
•Renting trucks, both 4X4 and covered trucks for sample, food item and camp consumables dispatch
•Renting of core cutting machine and other sample prep units
•Supply of PPEs, camp consumables including diesel
•Engagement of casuals and their management

Drilling, Geophysical survey, Topographic survey and Analytical work
Services concerning drilling including drill access preparation & drilling execution.
Ground geophysical survey works including geophysical survey line- cutting and survey execution.
Ground Topographic Survey Work
Sample preparation
Strategic partnership with local lab for certified analysis, accredited SDACAS and ISO/CEI 17025.

Exploration & Mining Procurements
•PPEs supplies for exploration & Mining
•Health & hygiene like disinfectant, masks, gloves,
sanitizers etc.
•Exploration procurements like Exploration Equipment
(Sample prep units, GPS, Compass, Sieves etc.) and
consumables (core trays, chip trays, markers, sacs etc).
•Importation & delivery (door to door) of any
item/equipment from India, China & South Africa
MMG Limited (working since 2014)
LUNA Mining
Golden Africa SARL
Premiere Minière Du Katanga
Katanga Metal Processing
Congo Roche SARL
Lufira Mining
Gerald Metals
SAMTA Natural Resources Congo SAS
Contact Us
Head Office
No. 8, Avenue Shangungu, Carte Industriel, Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic Of Congo
ID-NAT: 6-121-N73865A
NIF: A1610628W
RCCM: CD/LSH/RCCM/14-B-1645(NRC 1956)